Next Steps to Science on the Moon | NASA Science Live Episode 5

Hello and welcome to NASA Science Live.

I'm your host, Yogesh Bhamare.

We will go forward to The moon with humans Explore the moon to mars.

Next Steps to Science on the Moon
Next Steps to Science on the Moon 

We are expanding our presence in the solar system with our powerful rocket and versatile spacecraft building and testing new tools and technologies advancing human innovation living and working.

Far from himUsing lessons learned

 In earth orbit Building a gateway to Explore the moon and beyond enabling a space economy in earth orbit and on the moon using new human lunar landers and working with our partners enabling not just Ine giant leap.

But many more on the moon and mars We will go forward with American leadership in space visit nasa.Gov/moontomars we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy but because they are hard.

T-minus 60 seconds and counting, we are going for apollo 7 at this time. And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a merry Christmas, and odd bless all of you, all of you on the good earth.

We have ignition sequence start, engines on, five ... Four ... Three ... Two Houston, ah, tranquillity base here, The eagle has landed.

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. We leave as we came willing goog as we shall return with peace, and hope for all mankind.

We're on our way Houston. From 1969 to 1972, we had a total of six moon landings, 12 humans walked on the surface of the moon.

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We have elevated the human condition. We have improved human lives. We have raised the standard of living for every person on earth because of space exploration.

We're going to go back to the moon,

 And we're going to take what we learned there and we're going to go to mars.

We're here live at NASA's the world's largest cleaning room. Maureen recently, this cleanroom was used to housing the space telescope.

 Nasa'stepep attendddttendnnonondon. More recently, this cleanroom was used to house the space telescope.

 Right now it is something different.

 Nasa's next step is to send a scientist to the moon. Let's hear some words from our administrate on this exciting 


Pressing forward to the moon.  Scieleading the way. Go to inspire generations and to bring home ideas and discoveries that will benefit all of humanity.

 To to do this, we must better understand the makeup of the moon. We must study areas of the lunar surface where no recover has been before.

 Today we announce an initiative that further demonstrates how this effort is unlike any before. Today, NASA becomes a customer of commercial partners who will deliver our science instruments and our lunar technology the surface of the moon.

 This is a crucial step in our ongoing success. Nasa is proud to announce that the first commercial pay threw the lunar service will be provided by Astro button.

 Intuitive machines and orbit beyond. These companies are prime examples of American ingenuity, vision and no how.  Because of these, the silence, technology and research that will be done in the immediate future will prepare the way for humanity's return to the moon by 2024.

This is truly a historic site for NASA.

 In the very room, the Hubble space telescope, a science machine, that is still produced today, in this room, last night I was here, actually, through that window, I looked in, I looked at the mirrors of the super-polished mirror.

 The room is being prepared for another next mission. We have time right now to use it for this utter historic announcement that is driving today. That is incredible.  Can you tell us more about this announce?

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 Well, so this is truly exciting.

 A new way for us at NASA to do business.

 It is announcement  Partnerships.

 Partners and the sector partner force which that we will work together with and go to the surface of the moon.  Because we can't wait to do the science that we want to do with the instruments that we are developing now.

 The science that in man hies even five years ago with we didn't know how to ask questions about and this is how urgent this is. well, that is in cred.

This is such an exciting time for massaiians like these companies are the ones who will be building the spacecraft to land on the moon with these science instruments some have committed.

 Each these three companies and full skies life-size landers so let's definitely take a look.  Now, if folks at home want to ask questions via social media.

 We are so thrilled to have NASA joining the payload man hi fest to go to the moon.

 This is the 1 9:00 paid pliers and the 16 we have for another flight making 28 payloads that are going to go on the lander up to the sur pace, this is a great day for the lunar commercial payload delivery market.

 A great day that shows nas says now a major part of the future of the moon.

 Really excited. Where is your company located?

we're in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

 're their it' she world's best robot pics. We import space in the world pops out. wonderful. 

So let's take a look at the lander.

 Can you tell us what went into the design of this land ssomewhathese big gold easter eggeggssggsss things?

 So the eager eggs are actually propellant tanks and this rep sebs the blankets that keep the tanks warm during the mission.

 The propellant tanks contain the propellant that powers the spacecraft to the moon. There is lium in the centre.

 That pressurizes the system and the propellant goes the main engine and to control the spacecraft.

 When do you expect to leave to go through noon yeah? Yes. We are going to launch in June of 2021 and we land in July of 2021 Exciting. That is very cool. So tell us a little bit about it. So hartals it,  How heavy is it.

This is a full case Representation of the

 Spacecraft. This is six feet high. When it is fully loaded it will be 1400-kilo yacht!  Grams.

 Well, that is really, really heavy.

 So what makes this lander the perfect lanner for you guys?

Well, I think, this is the perfect lander because we are customer focused design so you have open decks for payload on the top and the bottom so that has been the motivation to make this customer-friendly possible to carry the maximum payload mask and we made it.

 We had a lot of rigour and design, we poll load standard process to make sure we have a lot of controls and checks in place during the whole development effort and so we think this is a very customer-focused and low complexity design to minimize risks to the program.

So it is a lot of  Sunshines watching now because they want to take the surface of the mood.  258e tell us about the payloads will lobe indicated.

 You are seeing that payload decks so we can mount to the top here and like rovers that mount to the bottom then dep unt things up here to have a direct line of sight to the earth or to other objects in the sky.

 And we can also in some cases mount to other surfaces as well but the payload decks are the primary location we meant all the payloads.

 Let's check out the next lander.

 So after this event, we have our guest and reporters ask questions so tune in to go to NASA gov.

 So we have intuitive machines executive chairman, vice president of research and development joining us.

So you are were Houston, is that correct? So tell me about what motivates you to go to the moon?

 So 11 years old when I saw for the first time Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon and it inspired me to be a part of the space program and this is really a dream come true today being here and by the way, I want to give a shout out toll the people in Houston that made this happen.

 So I have been a part of the space program here for 37 years and with the company about seven years ago with some former NASA employees and you know, we have been involved in the space program for a long time.

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 It was our love and passion and we are just so grateful and appreciative to have this opportunity with NASA as partners to be able to have that lander on the moon.


 You know, we are a customer, of course.

 Tell me about how you are thinking of about this as a business. I think this is terrific.

 Think commercial space in general, I think is beginning avenue era and space shuttle and space shuttle going to the machine and opening it to the commercial companies to compete.

 I think it is a newer going to create a new ecosystem in a commercial space is a thing that is wonderful for industry and this is very cool.

 Can you tell us more about this humongous learn? You bet.

 You notice we have the tallest there are several systems that we're proud. The first is liquid oxygen propulsion system so one of the tanks carries oxygen and methane they go through the engine on the bottom which we designed into the machine and its throttle which means we can control the thrust level very, very smoothly and adjust for different waiting in different landing location.

 We also have precision landing on board so we can afford craters, rocks, slopes, that would otherwise harm the vehicle.

 And the barrel trust structure is where we can mount loads so we don't have a payload bay or payload location and up to our I madge is going and the needs of our cust another find the right place anywhere in this barrel structure moun the payloads.

 So when you expect to go through the surface of the moon?

Are going to launch in July of 2021 and after six malls of days we'll listen on the surface of the moon

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