5 Mind Blowing NASA Discoveries Made In 2020

 5 Mind Blowing NASA Discoveries Made In 2020

Mind Blowing NASA
 Mind Blowing NASA

5 mind blowing NASA discoveries made in 2020. Today, we take a look at these 5 recent mind blowing NASA discoveries that were made in 2020.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration known by the acronym NASA was established in 1958 NASA is responsiblefor the United States's civilian space program as well as aeronautical discoveries and Space Research high-profile examples of NASA's work include the Apollo moon landing missions.

The Skylab Space Center and the space shuttle program NASA is committed to the ongoing investigation of planets and other features of our universe and regularly reports on new discoveries some truly ground breaking space discoveries have been made in recent years.

So today here at unexplained mysteries we'll be taking a look at these recent NASA discoveries the fragmentation of two eye Borissov.

The first discovery that we will look at today is the fragmentation of two eye Borissov discovered on the 30th of august 2019 by amateur astronomer kennedy Borissov.

In his day job Boris off maintains telescopes at the Crimean astronomical station of the Sternberg astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University but has made a number of remarkable astronomical discoveries in his spare time including this newly found comet which Borissov discovered on a telescope.

He hide both himself in his personal observatory in now Schnee crimea in this respect the discovery of this new comet has been compared to the discovery of Pluto by Clyde Tombaugh - I Borissov was a startling find due to the fact that it has become known as the first interstellar comet to be confirmed by NASA.

An interstellar object such as - I Borissov is noteworthy to scientists as it occupies Indus teller space but is not gravitationally bound to a star it is likely that before its arrival in our solar system the comet had been meandering the galaxy for millions if not billions of years - i Borissov is only the second interstellar object to have been discovered by astronomers.

The first being a mower mower a small interstellar object discovered in a Hawaiian Observatory in 2017 it is thought that could be the remains of a disintegrative comet the objects name comes from the Hawaiian amor meaning scaled.

How do we know that these objects did not originate in our solar system the answer is that both were found to exhibit.

What is known as significant hyperbolic excess velocity and both have orbital eccentricities which prove that neither object is gravitationally bound to a star having enough velocity to escape the host stars gravitational pull - I Boris off is certainly a formidable new visitor to our solar system scientists from Yale University have calculated that tale included this comet is around 14 times the size of our earth at its nearest point to earth - I Boris off was still 300 kilometers away from our planet.

It was reported to have a cometary appearance with an extended coma a slightly reddish color at a faint but wide tail one interesting fact about - I Boris off offers scientists a clue to its Genesis the comet has a higher concentration of carbon monoxide than any other comet that has been seen at a similar distance.

It is thought therefore that the comet may have originated from a red dwarf star or is even a remnant of a small carbon monoxide rich planet another intriguing characteristic of - I Boris off is that the comet appears to be fragmenting losing large chunks of itself as it travels through our solar system the first evidence of this appeared in March 2020 with further evidence of fragmentation in April 2020.

However the comet although partially fragmented seems to have survived its close encounter with the Sun and it is thought that - I Boris off will continue its path and will eventually exit our solar system likely to never return Gliese 433 D.

The second discovery that we will look at today is that of Gliese 433 d Gliese 433 D is one of a number of new planets discovered around red dwarf stars these planets are extrasolar meaning that they exist outside of our solar system often NASA uses large telescopes such as the Hubble telescope to scan the skies for new exoplanets Gliese 433 D is similar to another extrasolar planet Gliese 432 Gliese 433 B has been described as a super earth in terms of mass the planet is very similar to 433 B.

However it has been noted that 433 D actually orbits further out from its neighbor another planet 433 C orbits even further out this planet has been called the nearest widest orbiting and coldest Neptune like planet discovered the spa could extrasolar planets like Gliese 4 3 3 D be habitable for living creatures.

The consensus among scientists is that in the case of Gliese 433 D it may be unlikely due to the fact that although the planet inhabits the optimistic habitable zone its location means that it is in all likelihood too hot for any form of life to survive dr. Krane an astronomer at the observatory of the Carnegie Institution for science states.

We eventually want to build a map of all the planets orbiting the nearest stars through our own solar system especially those that are potentially habitable.

Who knows what continuing advancements could lead us to discover about newly found extrasolar planets like Gliese for 30 years 700d while scientists doubt where there are planets like Gliese for three days.

The recent discovery of another exoplanet may be highly significant in the search for habitable planets outside of our solar system TOI 700 D was discovered by NASA's transiting exoplanet survey satellite in January 2020 using nasa's spitzer space telescope the newly found planet is around 100 light-years away in the southern constellation known as dorado in total three planets.

Were found to be orbiting the host star only one 700d was found to be inside the conservative habitable zone an extrasolar planet 700d is rocky and likely the same size as Earth having a radius and mass similar to that of our own planet 700d orbits its host star every 37 days most significantly toi 700d is thought of as being in the habitable zone.

The planets host star tôi 700 is a red dwarf star one of the most common types of star in the universe red dwarfs have a mass that is lower than that of our Sun and they are also far cooler studies have found that TOI 700 is 50% of the temperature of the Sun it is believed that the planet receives 86 percent of the energy that the Sun provides to earth.

Who at are some of the other indications that TOI 700 D could be hospitable to life according to NASA the planet is within the range of distances where conditions may be conducive to the presence of liquid water on the surface a vital component for life to exist although the planets host term.

was originally mistaken for a hotter star it was eventually revealed through the help of some amateur astronomers including a student that the outermost planets around the size of Earth lies within the habitable zone additionally it appears that flares from the host star are not frequent with not a single flare observed throughout a period of 11 months researchers view this as further evidence that TOI 7 hundred maybe habitable this is a contrast to the majority of discovered exoplanets.

Which are immediately recognizable as being inhospitable to life consequently some have given t ry 700d the nickname the Goldilocks planet where conditions are neither too hot or cool but just right to allow life-forms to grow and thrive using computerized models of the planet.

Scientists have concluded that the planet is tidally locked meaning that's unlike our planet the same side of t iy 700d faces the host star at all times however if this new planet was found to have an atmosphere this may be helpful in retaining heat which could move from the warm side to heat the cooler side of the planet in total scientists have created 20 different model versions of Toi 700d ranging from watery to dry to cloudless and windy in an attempt to discover.

What the planet may be like one model imagined tôi 700d to be covered by an ocean and protected by a dense carbon dioxide atmosphere this model in particular is similar to how scientists have visualise young Mars 700d is not totally unique in being potentially habitable exoplanet but no more than a handful of others have been found which exhibit the characteristics to support living beings.

Other examples include several planets in the Trappist one system others have been discovered by NASA's Kepler space telescope the transistor exoplanet survey satellite was founded with the intention of discovering new exoplanets.

So further discoveries may be on the horizon in the years to come Tess is very effective in that it allows massive swaths of the sky to be closely monitored for periods of 27 days at a time as of the 10th of May 20 2010 Tofino five possible extrasolar candidates 46.

Which have already been confirmed however studies remain very much in their infancy and the information that we have about these newly discovered exoplanets is somewhat limited excitingly future missions and the advent of even more advanced telescopes may be able to help us identify whether these planets have atmospheres and perhaps may even allow us to discover further clues by identifying atmospheric composition.

This would provide more much-needed information as to whether or not we are alone in the universe but what do you make of these recent NASA discoveries could a discovery of new life on one of these planets be just around the corner or is this sort of finding still a very remote possibility either way interesting new discoveries are surely on the cards in the years to come be sure to.

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