Black Hole Mysterious Theories

 Black Hole Mysterious Theories

Black Hole Mysterious Theories
Black Hole Mysterious Theories

Most people imagine a black hole to be a starving monster with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing including light can escape it as soon as something reaches.

The event horizon aka the point of no return there's no way back but then how about information quantum physics.

Which describes how everything in the world works claims that nothing can destroy data but if this nothing includes black holes well then we have a paradox.

On our hands that's when stephen hawking came up with a new idea can it be that black holes don't have event horizons instead they may have apparent horizons those can only trap stuff for some time after that matter or energy will escape but in a different form.

It means that black holes won't be able to wipe information just change it if this theory is true and there's no event horizon.

Then there are no black holes as we know them is there going to be a big crunch a big rip or a big freeze yeah i know where you can get a big gulp many astronomers agree that the universe might end.

Some 2.8 to 22 billion years from now

 if the universe is expanding and it is it means it was born from a much more compact state like rhode island and if it does have a beginning it's likely to come to an end.

But scientists can't agree on the way it'll happen one of the most popular theories

 is a big crunch not captain crime once the growth of the universe slows down to a crawl.

The gravity will become the main force it'll make the universe shrink causing planets stars and galaxies to collide with one another.

It'll be the big bang in reverse with everything collapsing in on itself the moon is the closest planet satellite to the sun since mercury and venus.

Which are closer to the sun than earth is don't have satellite maybe they have cable with an average diameter of 2159 miles the moon is the fifth largest satellite in the solar system after jupiter satellites ganymede callisto and low and saturn's tighten.

We can see solar eclipses pretty often but moon eclipses only happen once every several hundred years.

The moon looks as if it were the same size as the sun the star is about 400 times bigger than the satellite but astonishingly it's also 400 times farther from us that's.

Why they seem to be equal in dimensions

 as viewed from the surface of the earth although the moon seems really bright its ability to reflect sunlight is three times less than that of earth that's why in combined photos.

Tey make the moon look brighter artificially

 it would take about three hundred thousand moons to produce as much light at night as there is in the afternoon about 206 000 of them would have to be full the moon is getting one.

Half inches farther away from earth every year at first it was about 14 000 miles from earth and now nearly 250 000 miles in about 600 million years its visual size from earth will be so small that there will be no full solar eclipses.

if you're still around then leave me a comment below the moon causes high and low tides on earth the gravitational influence of the moon has this effect of oceans the highest tide can be seen at full

 or new moon there are huge temperature fluctuations on the moon close to the moon's equator the temperature rises from minus 279 degrees fahrenheit at night to plus 260 degrees fahrenheit in the afternoon.

I think i dress in layers trash isn't just a problem in earth's ocean cities and forests there is a thing called space junk which is any human-made object that's been left in space and now serves no purpose there's also natural debris from meteoroids and other cosmic objects.

Tere are currently over 500 000 pieces of space debris orbiting the earth at speeds high enough to cause significant damage if they were to collide with a spacecraft or satellite.

NASA does its best to track every single object to ensure that missions outside earth can reach their destination safely have you ever looked up at the night sky and tried to count all the stars yeah good luck our galaxy the milky way not the candy bar the galaxy has about 100 billion stars.

But other estimates put it at over 200 billion since calculating the exact amount is an almost impossible task even for astronomers as for the entire universe

 there are at least a billion trillion stars

 that's a one with 21 zeros after it for comparison that means there are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on all of earth's beaches.

When the planets in the solar system were just starting to form earth didn't have a moon for the longest time it took a hundred million years for our natural satellite to appear there are several theories as to how the moon came into existence but the prevailing one is the fission theory is that where somebody went fishing caught the moon on a hook and dragged it over into earth's orbit.

NO i made that up the fission theory proposes that the moon was formed when an object collided with earth sending particles flying about gravity pulled the particles together and the moon was created.

It eventually settled down onto earth's elliptical plane which is the path that the moon orbits a trip to the nearest star apart from the sun would take you five million years on a commercial airplane.

That's what i call a long haul flight it would take you about a hundred thousand years to travel from one end of our milky way galaxy to the other at the speed of light

 on a plane that's just too many zeros to fit into a single screen.

The sun can fit about a million earths inside it but there's a star called uy scooting that's about 1700 times larger than the sun almost everything in space is connected with everything else by gravity

 star systems are part of galaxies galaxies are part of clusters and clusters are parts of super clusters the largest known super cluster in the universe is the hercules corona borealis great wall.

 that's a name it's more than 10 billion light years wide mars has the largest natural formations in the solar system.

The mountain three times taller than everest the canyon almost seven times longer than the grand canyon and the crater that could fit half the amazon river across it.

Although the big bang theory is the most viable one researchers still find evidence against it for example one theory suggests there's an axis around which the whole universe rotates it's aptly named the axes of evil there's a supermassive black hole at the center of almost every major galaxy including ours black holes can attract not only stars and planets but also other black holes eventually merging and becoming one with a much greater mass.

The spinning movement and enormous gravity of black holes sometimes makes it throw jets of matter into space traveling at almost the speed of light there's a thing called the great attractor it's a gravitational anomaly outside our galaxy that can't be seen but is known to attract the milky way and lots of other galaxies toward itself the highest mountain in the solar system is olympus mods on mars.

It's three times as high as mount everest the earth's highest mountain above sea level.

If you were standing on top of olympus mons you wouldn't understand you were standing on a mountain.

 Its slopes would be hidden by the planet's curvature the moon's gravity is only 17 of the earth's if your weight was 100 pounds on our home planet.

You'd only weigh 17 pounds on the moon you would be able to walk a distance six times longer and carry a weight six times heavier there or just hire somebody from nasa to carry it for you though it's easier to walk on the moon it's more dangerous too an astronaut's foot in a heavy space sinks into the moon's ground up to six inches deep long distance jumps are uncontrolled and dangerous because the moon's surface is full of deep craters.

One of the things jupiter is famous for is the great red spot a giant spinning storm this phenomenon used to be so gigantic

 that it could fit two or even three earths but the spot is shrinking right now it wouldn't fit more than one earth if two pieces of the same kind of metal touch in space they bond and get permanently stuck together.

It doesn't happen on earth thanks to water and air that keep pieces separate the moon is not an ideal sphere it's shaped more like an egg because of the earth's gravity the base of the egg shape points toward our planetnormal visible matter for example planets and stars make up just five percent of the universe.

The rest consists of invisible dark energy that's 68 percent and dark matter about 27 percent it leaves us with 95 percent of space we know nothing about the mysterious kuiper belt lies behind the orbit of neptune it's filled with massive icy objects the most curious thing about this phenomenon is its movement pattern the only explanation astronomers have neptune is hiding a ginormous planet this hypothetical planet has already got.

The name planet nine all we have to do is wait until its existence is confirmed or not you won't be able to wear a hat on venus

 ever and just try to stand on your feet the planet is insanely windy its upper winds blow 50 times faster than the planet rotates what's more these fierce winds never stop and can get even stronger with time wanna get away you'll have to travel 11 billion miles away from earth before ever leaving the solar system take your google maps with you you probably heard of methane gas a byproduct of natural processes such as volcanic activity.

Cows anyway this gas is not only a part of the martian atmosphere but also the thing that confuses astronomers to no end the thing is that the volume of methane on mars keeps wavering and scientists just can't figure out where it might be coming from can there be cows on mars as you may remember pluto used to be a planet but was stripped of this title in 2006.

Later it was reclassified as a dwarf planet

 gee make up your mind but the most unexpected fact about this celestial body

 is that its diameter is smaller than that of the us see for yourself the greatest distance across the country from maine to northern california is about 2 800 miles as for pluto.

 it's only 1473 miles across in fact if you laid pluto right down in the middle of the united states it crushed the heck out of iowa kansas and nebraska bad idea the planet uranus or uranus you can't win either way rotates on its side and astronomers have no idea why the planet has chosen such an unusual position.

 the culprits could be ancient mega powerful collisions but so far it's just a theory by the way this is the only planet laying on its side

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